Local businesses are a critical part of our success in fulfilling the mission of Berthoud Habitat For Humanity. From financial support to volunteer labor, donated materials to skilled labor – corporations and businesses play a key role in everything Habitat can accomplish.
The average Habitat homes cost $200,000 including construction and infrastructure.
Habitat has identified a number of ways businesses can get involved.
Businesses can choose to offer financial support through a one-time donation, sponsoring the entire home, or anything in between.

Adopt-A-Day Sponsorship: Every home that Berthoud Habitat builds requires more than 2,500 hours of volunteer labor. An organization can commit workers to a single day of work, a particular phase of the building project, or any number of days throughout the build. Every day that we build, we spend an average $2,000 for materials. We ask that companies prayerfully consider the Adopt-A-Day program to help cover the cost of materials used in that days’ work.
Foundation Sponsorship: By contributing $10,000 to Berthoud Habitat For Humanity, you help to pay for the construction materials needed for two weeks of construction for one Habitat home. Funds can be raised by individuals, companies or through other grants. As a Foundation Sponsor, you get 5 dedicated volunteer build days with up to 8 people per day. You will also receive Habitat T-shirts and sponsorship recognition at several outlets.
Full Home Sponsorship: This is the greatest commitment a business can make. An approximately $80,000 sponsorship can be undertaken by a single business or a group of businesses working together to provide all of the finances for a single home. In exchange for this gift, Habitat will guarantee your employees 20—30 dedicated team building days on the construction site. Your company will also receive public recognition at Habitat events and receive increased visibility in a variety of outlets.
With any one of these sponsorship levels, your organization will gain visibility as a community supporter in a variety of outlets. Also, by giving back, you are helping families in Berthoud become homeowners – living in safe, decent, affordable homes.

Faith Sponsorship:
Habitat For Humanity is an ecumenical, Christian organization. We are founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ. He is why we do what we do. However, we do not proselytize or require anyone who is involved in our organization to share our beliefs: not our volunteers, not our board members, not our homeowners. The cooperation and involvement of the local church body makes a clear and eloquent statement about putting our faith into action.
Apostles Build:
The Habitat for Humanity Apostles Build is a partnership that allows twelve individual churches to join together to build and fund a home for a local family. As Jesus’ original apostles were charged with spreading the word about Him, our twelve apostles are charged with assisting in Habitat’s mission to provide shelter for God’s children. The work of Habitat for Humanity is driven by the desire to give tangible expression to the love of God through the work of eliminating substandard housing.
The Four Points of Church Involvement:
In an effort to unite the congregations of Berthoud, BHFH urges the worshiping bodies of our community to join together in prayer for the mission of Habitat For Humanity. Additionally, BHFH has identified four points of tactical involvement from which churches can choose. The various points allow individual churches to choose a level of involvement based on their outreach and mission’s goals. Each point offers a unique set of opportunities to touch the lives of the families we are serving as well as the community in which we live and worship.
1. PRAYER: “I believe that prayer has given me resources and power beyond my abilities. I have relied on prayer to build something from nothing many times.” – Millard Fuller, Founder of Habitat for Humanity International.
Prayer fuels our business. We have only a few paid staff members and everyone else is volunteers. We seldom have enough money or materials, but once we make our needs known to the Lord, He has always delivered.
2. FAMILY IDENTIFICATION: Identifying potential Habitat partner families is one of the most important and challenging responsibilities we have. Area churches can assist in this process by directing needy families within their congregation and spheres of influence to BHFH. In this way, Habitat is able to assist the local churches in meeting their own internal needs while at the same time fulfilling our mission.
3. VOLUNTEER: Every home BHFH builds requires more than 2,000 hours of volunteer labor. Many of these volunteers have no construction experience but come with a willing heart, which is all that’s needed. A church can commit workers to a single day of work, a particular phase of the building project, or any number of days throughout the build. By assisting with construction, church members not only raise a house but also have the opportunity to work alongside the homeowners, getting to know them personally and experiencing their gratitude. Volunteering on a service project also strengthens relationships within a congregation.
4. HOME SPONSORSHIP: Home sponsorship is the greatest level of overall commitment a church can make to a Habitat home. Sponsorship can be undertaken by a single church or a group of churches working together (we call that an Apostles Build) to provide all of the finances and a majority of the volunteer labor for a home. Or churches can Adopt-A-Day of construction assuming all financial (about $2,000) and labor for a home on a particular day.
The impact of working with Habitat on the church, the homeowners and the community as a whole is immense. Area churches can greatly impact the number of families we’re able to serve through their financial support, whether it’s through a one-time donation or monthly financial support.
For more information about any of these sponsorship levels, please contact Jan Dowker, Executive Director, at (303) 868-1690.